I don't know what the key to success is, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.....Bill Cosby

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Essence Atkins!!!

I would like to take this time to say that I really appreciate my beautiful woman 30+. I was speaking with a friend of mine in reference to the topic a few days ago while ogling some 20+ scantily clad model types. We were debating the fact that there is an over abundance of 30+ (40+ i love a mature woman) fine, single woman such as Essence Atkins.

My thing is this, she may have a boyfriend or a "maintenance man" but why hasn't someone wifed her up? I mean between the smile and those eyes we would be at the altar in less than 24 hours. I would hope that the inside is just as lovely as the outside.... ESSENCE, ESSENCE, ESSENCE ! and everytime you see her she is Classy in appearance...her style is flawless!

Bottom line is I would choose ESSENCE ATKINS over any 20+ scantily clad video vixen!

Umm I would like to put my bid in.... If there is anyone within the six degrees of separation holla at your boy, it may be a substantial reward in it for you!!!


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