I don't know what the key to success is, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.....Bill Cosby

Friday, January 30, 2009


I was out grinding today trying to achieve the goals I set for myself this year. During my process I began thinking of ways to reach my goals a little faster. The question I had was HOW? Well, if you don't know me let me tell you something..I like to look for answers to do just that. Google here I come!!! And what pops up but an article on Persistence and staying focused on your goals. I found the info to be enlightening and it helped me understand how I have gone wrong in the past. Funny thing is....I have a tremendous amount of success in a short period of time by doing just as the an Ant does in it's daily life. Check it out...

1. Ants follow proven instruction. When scout ants find food, they spray a pheromone and hightail it back to the nest. The pheromone makes a trail that leads back to the food. Worker Ants at the nest don’t argue that there’s a better way back to the food, they just follow the trail.

A human, though, will see a proven to success and try to change it. They’ll think they see shortcuts and take those instead of the proven path.
I read a report recently the success rate with franchises was higher if the owner didn’t have a high IQ. Why? Because the franchisees who were smart usually veer off the proven path. They change the working formula and in doing so mess up their own success.

If you watch a scout ant, once he finds food he runs back to the nest, sometimes he gets excited and zigzags a little, he might even make a circle. When the other ants follow the trail do they say “hey we’re going in a circle? Let’s take this shortcut?” No! They follow the proven path back to the food. The result? Everyone gets the food.

2. Ants are determined. If you tell an ant there is food over a hill but there are 5 trees down blocking the path, does the ant think twice? No, an ant will climb a house 1000 times its size if it has to make its journey.

This makes a guy feel bad for putting down a research manual because it has too many pages doesn’t it? Just think of the number of people who quit because the path is “too difficult,” too hard to follow.

So..what do you think? Is there something you really wanted to do in life and you stopped because you found it too difficult? Or you tried it your own way and failed? How you answer that will tell you alot about what you really are made of. You just may not be the failure or lack the know how the way you think you do.


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