I don't know what the key to success is, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.....Bill Cosby

Thursday, February 19, 2009

WTF : The post should be charged with Terroristic Threats!

On a more serious note. What the FUCK is up with the New York Post? Are they serious? Did this thing really make it past the editor as being FUNNY? In the words of Tony Soprano " GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE". You can't possibly be serious. Who in GOD'S name thought this thing was going to get by unscathed? Or more to the point...Does the Post have so much disrespect for our new President that they felt it wasn't that big a deal? Face it people, BARAK OBAMA is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. I have said it from day 1 that his election is not a sign that racism is dead. It's merely a sign of changes to come, but it WILL GET WORSE before it gets better. Racism is so deeply interwoven into this countries fabric that it will take more than President Obama's election to change that. I am so overwhelmed with anger on this one that it's hard to even write intelligently on it..soo...let me say this. How this is handled by the powers that be, The Post, The People of American, The Media ( excluding FOX of course )will shed light on what has hidden silently in the dark. I am talking about subversive racism hidden in every crevice that makes up the U.S. Keep watching people because this is going to be interesting.


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